National Institute of Speech & Hearing
Accredited as Excellent Institution by RCI | Accredited by NAAC with B++ Grade
LLEaRN –Lab is a special clinic to help children with Specific Learning Disorder (SLD). Specific Learning Disorder is a neurodevelopmental disorder, which hinders the ability to learn academic skills like reading, writing and arithmetic skills. Activities of this clinic include both assessment and intervention programs for children with SLD and children who at risk of SLD. Assessment includes a multidisciplinary team and intervention approaches in this clinic focus on cognitive –linguistic and metalinguistic aspects. Group, as well as individual sessions, are being carried out concerning the strength and weakness of each child. SPARC (Strategic training of Phonological Awareness and Reading Comprehension) and PPP (Promoting Phonological Awareness and Phonics) are the treatment approaches/programs followed in this Lab. LLEaRN-Lab was initiated as a trail attempt to cater to the needs of a group of seven children with academic difficulties at NISH in 2013 and it was named as Learning Bridge. LLEaRN-Lab provides group therapy services to children with SLD on Saturdays and individual sessions on weekdays. LLEaRN –Lab also promote research in the field of bilingual literacy development and SLD. As a part of networking LLEaRN –Lab envision future collaborative works with schools to early identify and reduce the risk of SLD.
Faculty in charge
Dr Anjana A. V.
Vrinda R.
Lakshmi S. Mohan